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More Window Cleaning Tips

ladywindowcleanCleaning windows is a part of life and doing it effectively will bring a shine to your whole house, inside and out. Pick the right day to do it (not too hot, not too cold, no blizzard or rainstorm) and go to it armed with the following tips. Read on, if you dare.

Frost-Free Windows
Add 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol to a homemade cleaner made from ¼ cup ammonia and ¼ cup vinegar mixed into a bucket half-filled with warm water. Apply to surface and this will prevent frost from forming on the inside of your windows. A solution comprised of 1 part salt and 8 parts water applied to the window will also do the trick.

Hard Water Spray and Fly Spots
The minerals found in hard water spray can be removed by an application of white vinegar. To remove those ugly fly spots, apply a little denatured alcohol or some cold tea. (Both work well on windows, but should never be served at cocktail parties unless Osama Ben Laden or someone of his ilk has been invited.)

Paint Spots
Most paint spots can be removed with the application of a little linseed oil, which will loosen them up. You can also apply a mixture of equal parts warm water and ammonia. Scrape the paint off carefully with a wooden or plastic utensil.

Cleaning Window Screens and Blinds
Dip a paintbrush in kerosene and brush both sides of the screen. (Resist the urge to use a wooden palette and don a beret.) Dry the screen with a clean cloth. For those venetian blinds, sprinkle some fabric softener on both sides. Using an old oven mitt, run it between the blades and clean both the top and the bottom at the same time.

Do YOU have any window-cleaning tips to share? Please do.

Related Reading:

“Washing Windows: A Carefree Diversion”

“Cleaning Leather And Other Diversions”

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About Marjorie Dorfman

Marjorie Dorfman is a freelance writer and former teacher originally from Brooklyn, New York. A graduate of New York University School of Education, she now lives in Doylestown, PA, with quite a few cats that keep her on her toes at all times. Originally a writer of ghostly and horror fiction, she has branched out into the world of humorous non-fiction writing in the last decade. Many of her stories have been published in various small presses throughout the country during the last twenty years. Her book of stories, "Tales For A Dark And Rainy Night", reflects her love and respect for the horror and ghost genre.