If you were to ask 100 single parents what they wanted more than anything, most would agree to become a better single parent. The one parent household is real and with it, comes real challenges. For many single parents, life can feel defeating. In fact, just trying to stay on top of everything we need to do can become mind boggling. To give yourself a much-needed boost, I wanted to provide five tips that will help you be a better single parent.
-Forgive – Even if you cannot forget, learn to forgive. One of the worst things you can do as a single parent is hold a grudge, which is harmful to you and to the children. Being angry is not going to change the situation. In fact, being angry is going to waste a lot of time and energy that could be spent in positive ways. You need to show your children by example that even in bad situations forgiveness is possible and healthy.
-Stay Positive – You do not have to be rich or have all the luxuries in life to appreciate what you do have. Remember, after a divorce, the most important thing you can give your child is time. As far as things to do, you will find most cities offer an array of activities that cost nothing.
-Be a Good Parent – This too is not difficult even with limited time and resources. This means being realistic, patient, understanding, and fair. Half the battle of becoming a single parent is accepting that cards dealt. In other words, stop focusing and dwelling on the negative, choosing to build a new and positive life for you and your children.
-Network – You can also build a network of resources to make life as a single parent easier. In this case, you can get involved with other single parents in a number of settings. This way, you develop a support system while the children also make new friends who understand living in a single parent home.
-Establish Rules and Routines – The key to running a smooth household is by creating stability and security. By establishing rules and routines, your child will know from day to day what is expected. This eliminates undue stress, allowing things to run effectively.
Reassuring a Child After Divorce