I hate harsh chemicals because they make me break out in rashes. Even the smell sometimes can make me want to itch. So whenever there is a job that requires a heavy duty cleaner, I usually ask someone else to do it. Like my husband. Like the shower curtain.
Despite my repeated asking nicely (okay nagging), however, it was no surprise to me this morning that the curtain still required a good cleaning. In fact, the mildew had rallied itself together to spell out “ha ha” on the plastic liner.
So I went to do what I always do when something like this happens. First I pretend to be captured and held hostage by the offending mildew, and when that doesn’t make anyone in my household the slightest bit guilty, I figure out a way to get it done myself.
So with a little research, I found some different ways to clean off that mildew without using a harsh mildew cleaner.
Readers Digest Living has a lot of great ways to get rid of mold and mildew from everything from furniture to clothing. Some of the mildew and mold removal suggestions involve bleach or ammonia (*Warning, never ever mix the two together and always rinse well).
The one method that really sounds appealing to my sensitive skin was the washing machine method.
Get mold and mildew off your shower curtains. Wash them — along with a couple of bath towels (to prevent the plastic curtains from crinkling) — in warm water with 1/2 cup chlorine bleach and 1/4 cup laundry detergent. Let the washer run for a couple of minutes before loading. Put the shower curtain and towels in the dryer on the lowest temperature setting for 10 minutes, then immediately hang-dry.
So I am off to do yet more laundry and see if this works. What do you think? Do you wash your shower curtains (even the plastic liners) in the washing machine? What is your best method for keeping mildew and mold at bay?
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