Throughout your pregnancy, you will likely be reading about birth. You will encounter some words and phrases that will be unfamiliar. Learning some of the common language used during birth will help you feel more confident and prepared.
Active labor is the phase of labor when your cervix reaches four centimeters until it is fully dilated. These contractions are more intense than early labor contractions.
Analgesic medications are used to help dull the pain of labor. Some of these medications are given intravenously through an IV and others are injected into the muscle tissue.
Back Labor occurs when the mother feels the contractions mostly in the back. This is more common when the baby is in a posterior (forward facing) position.
Breech Birth is when any part of the baby is facing the cervix to be born first. This is often the knees, feet or buttocks. Some breech babies can be delivered vaginally, while others will require a c section. The position of the baby is the determining factor.
Birthing Center is a place where women can go to have a baby, rather than a hospital. Midwives generally attend births at freestanding birth centers. Many women choose to deliver at a birthing center because the atmosphere is more like a home and less like a hospital.
Braxton Hicks Contractions are sometimes called false labor pains. These contractions range from painless to moderately uncomfortable. They don’t cause the cervix to dilate and generally fade if you change positions, get a drink of water or lie down. It was once thought that these contractions served no purpose. It’s possible that they are actually helping tone the uterus for real labor.
Cervix is the opening of the uterus. The cervix thins out (effacement) and opens (dilation) during labor. This allows the baby to move thorough the birth canal to be born.
Cesarean Section is also known as a c section. This is a surgical birth procedure that is done when a problem prevents the baby from being born vaginally.
Contractions are the tightening motions of the uterine muscles. As the uterus contracts, the cervix effaces and dilates to allow the baby to be born. Contractions generally start off slowly and grow progressively stronger, longer and closer together as birth approaches.
Cord Prolapse happens when part of the cord enters the birth canal before the baby. This deprives the baby of oxygen and can become a serious complication in labor.
Dilation is the opening of the cervix. Full dilation occurs when the cervix dilates to ten centimeters.
Effacement is the thinning and shortening of the cervix. This happens gradually throughout labor, but can start many days before the baby is born.
Epidural is a method of pain relief in labor. The epidural involves an anesthesiologist inserting a catheter into the space at the end of the spinal cord, which is known as the epidural space. This numbs the lower body and reduces pain. The epidural is also used in cesarean sections in some cases. Epidurals can cause some problems, such as prolonged labor, more interventions and spinal headaches after the birth.
Episiotomy is an incision made in the perineum to help deliver the baby without tearing. This is a controversial procedure that many women try to avoid by stretching the perineum and using massage during the birth.
Fetal Distress is a term used to describe a problem during labor, such as issues with the heartbeat or lack of movement.
Fetal monitoring is used to monitor the baby’s heart rate during labor. Monitoring can be intermittent or continuous. Intermittent monitoring allows the woman to be up and moving during labor, while continuous monitoring leaves the woman confined to bed.
Induction is starting labor artificially. This is done in several different ways including the use of pitocin, breaking the water or using vaginal suppositories to stimulate labor.
Low Birthweight is when the baby weighs less than five and a half pounds at full term birth.
Midwife is a person trained in the care of pregnant women throughout pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. There are several different types of midwives. Certified Nurse Midwives attend nursing school prior to midwifery training. Professional midwives only attend midwifery school. Direct Entry Midwives train in apprenticeship with a skilled, experienced midwife. Midwives deliver babies in hospitals, birthing centers and private homes.
Mucous Plug is a thick, gel like substance that forms a plug. This seals the cervix to prevent infection. Women can lose the plug a few days before labor or while they are in labor.
Pitocin is a drug used to start or increase contractions in labor. The drug is a synthetic form of the hormone oxytocin.
Placental Abruption a complication in late pregnancy or in labor when the placenta begins to separate from the wall of the uterus. This is a potentially serious complication that causes bleeding and preterm labor.
Placenta Previa occurs when the placenta grows low in the uterus. It can partially or totally block the cervix. This condition is often diagnosed by ultrasound. A c section may be needed to avoid complications or danger to the baby and mother.
Preterm Labor is labor that starts before the thirty seventh week of pregnancy.
Station refers to the position of the baby in relation to the pelvis. Negative numbers indicate that the baby’s head is still high in the pelvis. Positive numbers indicate that the baby is engaged and moving through the birth canal to be born.
Transition is the time between seven and ten centimeters. For many women, this is the most intense and painful part of labor.
Umbilical Cord is that thick cord that attaches the mother and baby. The baby is fed through the cord and receives oxygen. The cord also takes away waste from the baby. In many cases, the father is able to cut the cord after the birth.
VBAC- Vaginal Birth After Cesarean section. This is when a woman that has had a previous c section gives birth to a baby vaginally.
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