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Where Do You Get Your News?

This morning a friend of mine and I had coffee and she asked if I had seen a particular story in the newspaper yesterday. I hadn’t read the story in the newspaper, but I had heard about the story from one of the websites that I read regularly. The conversation actually got me thinking, I can think of the last time I sat down and read the newspaper.

I keep up on the news. I read several news websites pretty regularly and will watch podcasts put on by local news stations in my area. The newspaper however has fallen by the wayside.

In the age of podcasts and blogs, how many people rely on the paper for breaking news anymore?

Most websites can be updated within seconds with important information about ongoing stories or new ones. Most newspapers are put out once a day, and have final deadlines of the night before so if anything changes between deadline and printing, then you’re out of luck.

Websites on the other hand often have staff working 24 hours a day. Websites are often specialized on specific topics as well so it can be easy to quickly navigate to the types of stories you are interested in.

Over the past few days we’re had some inclement weather in my area, and I have used the Internet to find out about school closings, forecasts and more. In the old days I might have tuned into my local news station and watched until I heard the information I needed, I found the Internet much quicker this year.

I would be interested in knowing how many of you rely on your newspaper as your primary source of news now, ad how many people also rely on the world wide web for new on what’s going on in the world around them.

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