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Tip of the Day- Hug 3 People Today

If I asked you when the last time was each member of your family had a hug from you and heard you specifically say “I love you”, some of us could answer easier than others.

Some of us are more “touchy-feely” than others. I happen to be very closed about my emotions. I don’t like to share them openly with anyone but my family. I make sure my children know how much I care about them; the rest of it tends to slip through the cracks. I make exceptions of course, because I realize that others in my circle of friends occasionally need that hug or gentle touch. But on the whole, I probably don’t give out (or accept) as many hugs as I should.

Touch stimulates special responses within our bodies.

It stimulates the hormone that is partially responsible for bonding. We feel more loving and closer to those we touch; it strengthens our commitment to them.

It also reduces the hormones that create stress. It increases feelings of contentment, satisfaction, and happiness, and lowers your blood pressure and heart rate. A study by the University of North Carolina found that hugging people lowers your risk for heart disease and increases your longevity. They’re not the only ones to suggest this, scientists have become increasingly aware that positive emotions and loving relationships do have an impact on our health.

Did you know that there is a national “Hugs for Health Foundation” and a “Hugger’s Creed”? Here’s what it says:

“We believe HUGS nurture the human spirit promoting a more positive outlook thus enhancing the quality of one’s life.”

I tend to agree. Isn’t it nice that the loving relationships that make life worth living actually make us live longer?

So, here are the rules for hugging someone:

Respect the other person’s space and personal beliefs.

Hugs deliver care and compassion not a show of strength.

The research says a hug needs to last 20 seconds to count.

Relish the moment; don’t just go through the motions.

Start with three hugs today and work your way up. Collect them as you would flowers and compliments and see how your health and outlook improve.

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