Body language and nonverbal communication are more important that you might think in your overall communication style. You may be saying all the right words and wondering why you are not getting anywhere with a prospect or customer. Here are some things to watch out for in your body language and nonverbal actions when you are trying to make a pitch or sale, or trying to influence other people:
Watch that your body and facial expressions are open and comfortable and that they do not convey that you are closed, resisting, uptight or unapproachable. This can come across like you have something to hide and will not be well received by the other person. Crossing your arms over your chest or putting them on your hips can come across as aggressive or secretive.
Any signs of nervousness or anxiety will not help your pitch–shaking legs, shifting around often, moving your weight from one side of your body to the other, crossing and uncrossing your legs often, wringing your hands–all of these are physical signs that you are not comfortable and are either distracted or are eagerly trying to push the prospect into doing something. The more calm, confident and casual you are, with an open stance and body language, the more likely you will come across as trustworthy.
Finally, watch the eye contact! Avoiding eye contact or speaking directly is a surefire sign to others that you are uncomfortable or hiding something. This is a hard one for me since I tend to look away into the distance when I am really thinking about something and trying to come up with a good solution. I have to work on it as I know that when I am really concentrating and avoiding eye contact, others are getting the message that I am NOT paying attention or interested in them. Of course, staring intently or aggressively doesn’t come off well either. But, in general, looking a person directly in the eyes and being expressive and interested will convey your commitment and involvement in the communication.
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