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5 Principles for Showing Hospitality

The Bible gives us wonderful principles to use in showing hospitality to others. My husband enjoys defining hospitality as, “Making someone feel at home, even when you wish they were.” Sarcasm aside, here are some tips laid down for us in scripture.

1. Show it fervently (I Peter 4:8-9). Make it a point to be hospitable towards others. Invite people into your home for a meal, a Bible study, or just a time to get to know each other. Open up to others.

2. Show it continuously to the needy (Romans 12:13). The Christians in Rome in Paul’s time heard that the believers in Jerusalem were struggling financially. There was a famine in the land and many were going without food and other necessities. The believers in Rome were burdened for their Christian brothers and decided to take up an offering to help them. Are you showing hospitality to those less fortunate?

3. Show it persistently toward strangers (Hebrews 13:2). We are usually hesitant to reach out to those we don’t know. This is partially because of the day and age in which we live, but also because we don’t like to get out of our comfort zone. The author of Hebrews admonished Christians to reach out to strangers because some people had “entertained angels unawaress”.

4. Show it consciously toward God’s messengers (III John 8). If it is possible for your family, open your home to the servants of God. If your church is having a missionary or special speaker, consider having the person and his family as guests in your home. Your entire family will benefit from getting to know people who are serving the Lord in full time ministry.

5. Use hospitality to preach the gospel (Acts 28:20-23). Meeting the needs of others is a wonderful way to reach them with the gospel. Volunteer at a homeless shelter or get involved with your local food shelf. If you provide items for a gift basket for a needy family at holiday time, deliver the basket yourself and tell the people about the love of God.

I hope these guidelines will encourage you to make hospitality a vital part of your family’s ministry.

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