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On the Weight Watchers Wagon…Again: Day 1

It’s now 8:55pm so I think I can safely say I made it through my first day back on the Weight Watchers wagon, and by all accounts it was a success. Early this morning I got out my new journal and wrote today’s date, ready to start anew. It’s quite inspiring, taking out the clean, white journal with nothing written in it, no slip ups or splurges recorded, you still have your total Point allotment that day; it is as if you are born again. (Well, I’m guessing about that one as I am Jewish, but you get the point). In fact, that is one of the best things about Weight Watchers, you can always start fresh. No matter how bad of a day you had, you can just turn the page in your journal and start over. But, a brand new week is even better because the whole journal is empty; you have a whole new week’s worth of opportunities for great success. Yes, it is a bit of a mind game, but that really is what weight control is, isn’t it?

I like to set little mini goals for myself. I’m all about setting myself up to succeed. So for this week I decided that I was going to make sure I drink all my water. According to the Weight Watcher gods, you are supposed to drink six to eight, 8oz classes of water a day and that can include some caffeine-free drinks as well. That sounds easy enough, but some days it seems a Herculean task.

If you are sitting at a desk or working in an office environment it’s not so hard to just keep a water bottle by your computer and constantly sip it throughout the day. But, if you’re like me, you spend the majority of your day running errands, dropping kids off at school/practice/play dates, making meals, cleaning up from the meals, picking kids up from school/practice/play dates, making more meals…well, you get the idea. I’m on the run all day. So grabbing a coffee or a diet coke or some other caffeine-laded drink is often my first choice. But not this week, this week I am going to put aside the java and be aqua-girl and drink my water!

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About Susan Ridgeway

Some call her crazy, some call her an inspiration and some just call her Mom. Sue is a writer, fitness instructor, community volunteer, wife and mother of three girls under the age of 6. When not resolving property disputes, kissing boo-boos, negotiating naps or just generally enjoying being with her children, Sue is busy with her freelance writing business: creating brochures, newsletters, websites, etc. And in her spare time (ha!) she teaches spin and Pilates classes at the YMCA and with private clients.