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When saving feels better than buying!

Nothing feels better than paying off all your debt. Your stress level just melts away and suddenly your opportunities seem endless. Debt free, you can afford to dream about different jobs and careers. Going back to school is a viable choice. A long dreamed about vacation might just be around the corner.

The trick is to stay in this wonderful debt free place and not charge any of the items — ever again.

If you’ve got good credit, it is easy to say to yourself “I’ll go buy a new TV, or a few pairs of shoes – after all, I need them, right?”

No, you don’t need them. You need to save your cash so you can take care of your family, and yourself, and keep that peace of mind.

I say don’t spend. Just don’t do it. Hold out for the time when you can spend cash for everything you want. What you’ll find may surprise you.

When you can afford to buy what you want, you may no longer want it.

Here’s how it works:

Put all your spending wishes on a list. Start writing about anything and everything you’d love to buy. Some of the items may be only $10.00 and you’ll be buying them soon, and others maybe larger items like a new(er) car.

Then, after you have a nice long list, start saving.

Keep part of your saving for a rainy day – those emergency you can’t plan for, and then spend a little of your savings for items on your list.

You’ll probably discover that once you’ve waited a while before buying, you won’t even want the items any more. Your list gets shorter – more true to yourself.

There is something very precious about money you’ve saved, and you’ll find all those necessities aren’t so necessary when the cash comes from hard earned savings. You think more carefully about purchases when you aren’t pulling out a charge card.

And next month, you’ll still have peace of mind.

Saving a Million Dollars

Watching your pennies