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A Lazy Day to Do Nothing

Sometime, instead of planning an actual date night, consider just taking a day together to do nothing. Relax. Be lazy. Lie around in your jammies. Drink coffee and read the paper in bed, or just stay snuggled up and watch a great old movie. Order take-out or better yet, have something delivered.

We all need to spend time with our spouses and sometimes that means getting out of the house; however, doing nothing can also be very therapeutic. This is especially true for those with hectic schedules.

Years ago, my husband worked days and I worked nights. His mom would keep the kids all night on Fridays, because I got off work so late. Sometimes, on Saturdays, she’d do something with the girls or take them out somewhere, so my husband and I would sleep in.

We’d lounge around and indulge in some much needed relaxation and time to catch up with each other. We’d make breakfast together, order something, or one of us would run out and grab something, and then we’d stay in until we had to pick up our kiddos. It was really nice.

We don’t have much opportunity for long, lazy Saturdays now that we have four daughters, but we do take a lazy half a day one in a while. It’s rare, but on occasion I’ll come back after the girls get on the bus and I’ll crawl back into bed to snuggle and talk. After a while we stir, find something to eat, and then sometimes talk some more or play a game. We don’t always have a chance to plan an outing, but we do try to squeeze in some much needed down time together.

Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. Allow yourselves some time off. While laziness as a habit is a bad thing, a lazy day (or even a few hours) occasionally, spent with the one you love, is definitely a good thing.

Making Time for Your Marriage: Couple Time

When You Both Work

Marriage Tips: Playfulness

Keeping Your Marriage Sensual