Does your spouse know how proud you are of him or her? Do you just assume it’s true, or do you actually tell your mate you feel that way? Even if you frequently tell your husband or wife, “I love you,” it is also a good idea to let your spouse know how proud you are to be married to him or her, and how much you think of your mate as a person.
When you meet new people, are you excited to introduce them to your spouse so they can see the terrific person that shares your life? Tell your mate.
When you see your spouse acting kindly toward someone or doing something amazingly creative, do you beam with pride? Say so!
My husband once sent me an e-card for Mother’s Day several years ago, and it was beautiful. The images were lovely as was the music and the sentiment throughout was very touching. Still, the most meaningful part was the line he wrote himself, and it said he was proud of me and proud to have me as his wife. It meant more to me than nearly anything uttered before or since then.
I know he loves me. I know he’s there for me. I know he thinks I’m special. I think maybe I didn’t know he was proud of me, or at least I didn’t know how much. It took me by surprise. I was delighted to know that my husband was proud of me and it made me feel even closer to him. I’m proud of him too, but I don’t know if I had used those words before he sent me that card. I always want him to know that, so I remind him from time to time now.
Does your spouse know? It can’t hurt to tell him or her just to be sure!