When it comes to homework, parents often think their kids have too much to do on a daily basis. Of course, probably just as many parents feel that their kids don’t have enough. Alfie Kohn, author of the book, The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of A Bad Thing, says that homework is unnecessary and may cause students to become less interested in learning.
In the December 2006 issue of Parent and Child, Kohn says that it’s hard for anyone to justify why homework is necessary. He says there is no evidence to support the belief that homework is beneficial to students. He argues that the drilling of facts does not help kids to understand ideas. In a classroom setting, he further argues, some kids will “get it” and others won’t. When kids practice the concepts taught in class via homework assignments, the students who don’t “get it” will only frustrate themselves more.
Kohn says that there has never been any research conducted to support the premise that homework promotes academic success. He says that the reason homework is still given is to pit “student against student, parent against parent and school against school”. He calls this, toxic competitiveness.
Kohn also feels that kids miss out on more important things when they have too much homework to do. This includes just hanging out with friends, playing games, reading, etc.
He says that the only times students should do schoolwork outside of the classroom is for situations when that’s the only option, such as interviewing a family member for a project on family history. Kohn also feels that parents should start investigating why their child has a particular assignment. Instead of asking when an assignment is due, parents should inquire if the assignment will help the student become a more efficient learner.
I’m not sure if doing away with all homework is the solution. I do feel if kids have too much homework— to the point where they are stressed out or they have to spends hours each night completing the assignments— then it’s probably too much.
See also:
When It Gets Too Hard To Help With Homework