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Is there anything better than a snow day? An unexpected day off from work spent with my family is tops in my book.

Our little tree in the snow

We had a feeling that today would turn into a day at home when we pulled into our driveway yesterday only to be greeted by several inches of fresh powder. After a night of freezing rain we found that daycare had been closed so we promptly called out of work and crawled back into bed for another hour. I served waffles and sausage with syrup for my two beautiful girls and put out a plate of fresh fruit (blueberries, sliced plums and cantaloupe) for all of us. We may not get to play outside today because ice pellets are still pouring down off and on, but we are having so much fun indoors. In addition to the fun we are having making up nonsensical games (like screaming YUCKY! after naming a food that we enjoy, and taking the temperature of our fingers to make sure they are healthy) we are also getting a lot of housework completed. While we may be off, the washer and dryer are hard at work, and the new kitchen island we purchased a couple weeks ago is finally being assembled. The huge sheets of Styrofoam used to pack the island pieces are perfect for making interesting structures like a tee-pee, tunnel and a house outfitted with a skylight.

For me, I am content to lay in bed with a book (or my laptop) and glance out the window from time to time to see if the nasty ice has turned back into snowflakes. In fact, now that lunch is in the rearview mirror, the laundry is folded and put away, and my girl is laying down for a nap, I think I will dust off that book I have been reading since Christmas and relax for a couple hours. See, there is nothing better than a Snow Day.

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