This week I’ll talk about finding the time to exercise. New mommies are very busy people. Finding the time to work out can be difficult. New babies need a lot of attention. If you have other children, it can be even more difficult to find the time to work out. When you have a spare moment, you may feel too tired and prefer a nap instead.
You need to plan ahead to allow time for your work out. It’s winter here and the weather has been below zero with the wind chill factor. If it were nice outside, I would put Logan in his sling, take my four year old by the hand and go walking. I also have a double jogging stroller in the garage, but I doubt it could make it through the foot of snow that is currently outside my front door.
Some people walk the mall in bad weather. Some malls around the country allow “Mall Walkers” in the mall an hour or so before the stores open. This allows walkers plenty of room to walk off the pounds. Walking the mall probably isn’t the best choice for me, since my four year old daughter would spend the entire time window shopping. I wouldn’t get very far.
Consider joining a gym that offers babysitting. I may go this route when Logan is a little older. He is six months old and doesn’t take well to strangers. It’s hard enough for me to leave him with his daddy. He would cry in the babysitting room and I’d be running to his rescue. Once he is walking, the gym may be my best option for an uninterrupted work out.
For now, I need to work on finding the time at home. We don’t have much exercise equipment in our house right now. We have a set of free weights in the basement that my husband uses. We have been considering investing in a Bowflex or similar system that would allow me to work out a bit with weights when the kids are napping or in bed.
I have a collection of yoga and pilates DVDs that I can use at home. My three girls love yoga and will do it with me. This is a good way to involve older children in your workout and teach them that fitness is important for life. They look so cute in the poses. This week, we have attempted to do yoga every day, but we’ve only managed to work it in twice. This week, I will be trying harder to schedule our work out. I’ve told my husband he’ll be taking the baby after work, so I can get in some yoga practice. We’ll see how it goes!
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