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Do You Feel God’s Love for You?

Do you ever feel the need to feel the love of the Savior in your life? What are things that you can do to feel God’s love in your life? There are times when it can be more difficult to feel how much God does love you. Here are five things that help me to feel how much the Lord loves me.

1) One thing that really helps me is to list all of my blessings. It may take you a minute to get going, but you will be surprised at how many you come up with. You can start with the simple things such as the nice weather outside, your family and go from there.

2) Another great way to feel God’s love is to study the scriptures every day. As you read the words of counsel, you will find peace in your life. As you read the miracles found in the scriptures, it can help you find the miracles in your own life.

3) Take time to pray daily. Personal prayer is a chance for you to commune with God. As you share your problems with Him, He will give you answers and provide you with peace. It is important to remember to take time to listen while you pray. You will be blessed with thoughts and feelings that will help you through your trials.

4) Take the time to be still. It is important to sit and meditate. This will bring you peace. It allows you to bring your focus back to the Lord. Take a few minutes each day to clear your mind and really focus on what is most important to you.

5) Serve those around you. It is through service that you can learn what true charity is. You can learn to love others as you serve them. You are also carrying out the Lord’s work as you help those in need.

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Relief Society: “Remembering the Lord’s Love”

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