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Vocabulary Word of the Day: Inspiration

While watching Fantasia Barrino tonight on American Idol, the word inspiration came to me. Inspiration is described as an agency, such as a person or work of art that moves the intellect or emotions or prompts action or invention. (American Heritage Dictionary)

I make it a point to regularly discuss inspiration to my kids. I want to know what fuels their passions. I want them to know what fuels my passions. I want them to be inspired. They can be inspired to do their best academically, spiritually, or physically. It really doesn’t matter, though as a mother I would prefer all three.

The types of people that inspire me are the people who have struggled and had no real apparent future, but reached greatness anyway. I tell them about people like Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, Fantasia Barring, and George Washington Carver. If there is someone I can think about who succeeded against all odds, I take the opportunity to tell my children their story. I want them to know that there is nothing that can hold them back but themselves. I just want them to be inspired.

As homeschoolers, we get to discuss people outside or the standard biography list. We get to study people places and things that add fuel to our souls. We get to meet people who add color to our dreams. You never know what package inspiration will come in. I can be someone we see on TV. I can be someone we meet in a park. It can be a peer, a pastor, or a Sunday school teacher. For many schooled children, it is that special Teacher. As homeschoolers, we hope that as parents we ca add to the list of people and things that inspired our kids.

Whether you homeschool or not, make it a point to call your child’s attention to people, places, and things that inspire yourself, and try to figure out what might inspire them. You will not regret it.

(This essay is an exercise in vocabulary. I encourage you to pick a new word each day and have your children to write an essay. Choose the number of required words according to grade level, age, or ability. ) For more words of the day see: syncretism, autodidact, extreme and mediocrity and more.