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Finding Joy in Your Home Based Business

I was speaking with a friend today about my Families.com blog and she suggested that I write a topic about finding joy in our home based business. Perhaps she could feel my tension over the telephone and knew I needed a pick me up.

The last week has been one of the toughest ever in terms of my home business. Late last month, I was almost giddy as I started my new career as a freelance writer. Quite honestly, it is my dream job. It feeds my creative side and there is nothing better than sipping a “Love Potion #9” latte at the local coffee house while I write and listen to the great tunes.

Unfortunately, this week was different. My home business suddenly felt like a job again. It had nothing to do with not knowing what to write, or not wanting to write, I simply couldn’t write and it was making me crazy.

My son has the flu for the second time in four weeks. First it was the stomach flu, and now he has a runny nose, fever and cough. He is miserable…and so am I. He hasn’t been sleeping at night…and neither have I. He is clingy, whiny, and generally cranky…and so am I.

Needless to say, when my friend brought up the topic idea of “finding joy”, I thought it was pretty timely. Do you sometimes have a hard time finding joy in your home business? Are you having a tough time now? Let’s work through it together….

“The secret of joy in work is contained in one word – excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it.” –Pearl Buck

Learn a new skill. Has your business stopped challenging you? Are you growing bored of the routine? Take a class, try a new product from your sales line, or step out on a limb and take a business risk.

”You’ve achieved success in your field when you don’t know whether what you’re doing is work or play.” –Warren Beatty

Remember your “whys”. Do you love what you do? Even if you aren’t crazy about your home-business, do you love the opportunities it has given you? Can you play more with your children? Can you take an extra vacation? If you are feeling down, make a list of your whys.

“One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one’s work is terribly important.” –Bertrand Russel

Don’t take yourself (or your business) too seriously. Will the world stop if you have to take a “me-day”? I doubt it. Give yourself a break if you need one. Take a bubble bath. Enjoy lunch with a friend at the park. If you take your business too seriously, it will consume you and you will no longer enjoy it.

“Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” –Theodore Roosevelt

We were put on this earth to make a difference in the lives of others. You don’t need to be a missionary in a foreign country to make a difference. Donate some products to needy families. Offer to do a “day-spa” at a local women’s shelter if you sell skincare items. Volunteer to write a grant or develop a brochure for a non-profit agency. There is nothing more motivating than using your time and talents to help others.

Well, I feel better. How about you? Do you have any tips to share in terms of finding joy in your home based business? We would certainly love to hear them! Post them in the comments section.