- Adjusters are the insurance experts who negotiate and settle insurance claims.
- Adjusters make the authorize payments to appraisers and assess to value of the loss.
- Adjusters may work with insurance investigators to address any issues a claim may have when there’s a question of liability or possible insurance fraud.
- Adjusters work with Insurance Agents, and companies in order to determine the extent of loss when a customer has a claim. Agents and companies report the policyholder’s claim to the company claims department, where an adjuster is assigned.
- Adjusters then work directly with the insured policyholder. They inform the insured which financial issues are covered under the policy and why they are or are not covered.
- Adjusters work with Appraisers and other professionals involved with the claim in order to determine the extent of the loss, and ensure all parties understand what is or is not covered.
Some claims may involve adjusters from different departments working on the coverage offered by different parts or an insurance policy or multiple insurance policies.
Insurance is designed protect against financial losses when something horrible happens. When there is a loss policyholders submit a claim or claims to their insurance agent or company and request payment, for compensation of the financial loss. Adjusters, work with appraisers, examiners, and investigators mostly in the area of property and casualty insurance. Claims for loss generally related to property damage, liability, or bodily injury.
Adjusters often assist the policyholder and plan work required in order to process a claim. An adjuster generally interviews the policyholder with the loss and may talk to witnesses, or obtain a police report. Adjusters may review hospital and medical records, and inspect and property damage. The job is finished when an adjuster is able to determine the amount of the company’s liability.
Adjusters gather information take photographs and write or digitally tape statements. A full report is used to determine and evaluate a claim. When a policyholder submits a legitimate claim the adjuster negotiates with the policyholder “claimant” and works out a settlement agreement. Claims that aren’t contested require some finalization for and an adjuster will need to submit the correct information to the insurance attorneys who file the correct and legal paperwork and settle the claim completely.
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Families.com Blogs are for informational purposes only. Families.com assumes no responsibility for consumer choices. Consumers are reminded that it is their responsibility to research their choices properly and speak to a certified insurance professional prior to making any decision as important as an insurance purchase.