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Squeezing $150.00 From Nowhere Fast!

A few days ago I posted a blog about how I wanted to go to a workshop, but it cost $150.00 and I didn’t have it budgeted. I asked for ideas on finding quick cash and I got some great ones. You can read the comments here and add your own.

Here’s what I did, and yes – I have the $150.00 already and have registered for the class!

As Alexandra suggested, (in the comments) I did a coin run. ( I also wrote about collecting change in My Secret Stash of Fun Money )

I’ve got little coin jars spread around the house and I picked up a couple a days ago. There was almost $20.00 in there! Yea.

Only $130.00 to go.


I’m always selling my used books. (If I didn’t have a book buying habit, the $150.00 may have been in my budget). There are a variety of sources – Amazon being the most famous – but did you know that most towns have used bookstores that will also take your books? Often they will buy them outright, with no waiting around for the books to sell. When I don’t need the cash fast, I’ll give them the books in trade, and I get more bang for my buck trading for books.

I took in a huge box of books and earned another $25.00

$105.00 left to find.

When you start watching the pennies, somehow more starts flowing your way. I’ve noticed this before – if you pay careful attention to details – (without obsessing thank you) things seem to fall into place. This weekend as I was clearing out and sorting things to sell, I got a check for $85.00 from a consignment store for a piece of furniture I’d left right after Christmas. YEA! Truthfully I was expecting to get some money, eventually for the dresser. I just didn’t know exactly how much or when. I love how it came right when I needed it!

Only $20.00 left!

That’s easy, finding $20.00. There is always eBay, selling CD’s, clothes, children’s items. A quick spontaneous garage sale will always bring $20.00.

But what did I do? I took boxes of junk to my local auction house and they sold it off on Saturday. $35.00 for what I’d normally give to a thrift house.

Now I’ve got money to spare for lunch.

Workshop here I come!