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Seven Ways to Make Your Office More Comfortable

Offices come in different shapes and sizes. Some are big and beautiful, some are little more than a closet or a cubicle with three-quarter walls. Even though all offices are not created equal, there are some universal techniques to making yours more comfortable. Why bother? If you are comfortable and at ease in your office, you will be more productive, less stressed and generally a better and happier worker. Here are some tips for organizing your workspace.

Arrange the furniture – Take the time to move your desk or the chairs. If you bump into the wall every time you pull away from your desk, it will add stress to your day. Make sure everything is easily accessible and that the way things are arranged works for you.

Your Chair – Make sure your chair is comfortable. Take the time to adjust it to the right height and be sure that the arm rests are at the correct level. Do some reading on ergonomics and how proper sitting posture can make you much more comfortable.

Decorations – Bring things from home that you enjoy having around you. Perhaps a plant or something that reflects one of your hobbies. I have a small stuffed Shrek doll in my office. My husband gave it to me and it makes me smile every time I see it.

Photographs – Be sure to have a few pictures of your spouse, kids or other loved ones. It’s a great reminder that all this work is worth it in order to take care of them.

Music – If you like music then it can help to have a CD player or radio in your office. Whether you like classical or country or R&B, having music that makes you feel good can improve your productivity and your mood.

Lighting – Make sure that there is sufficient lighting in your office. Even if it is at your own personal cost, it may be worth it to you to change the bulbs if they are too dim or too bright for your comfort.

Organize – Keeping your office at least somewhat organized can help you a great deal when it comes to being comfortable in your office. Even if it is “filing by piling”, if it works for you and you know where everything is, you will be much more productive and much more relaxed.