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Can We Have a Little More Optimism, Please?

Unless I’m really dragging in the depths of despair—which doesn’t happen very often, I can be an annoyingly optimistic person. My kids have not always been on board with all that optimism and part of their adolescent rebellion has been to counter all my optimism with huge wet blankets of negativity.

I’m not sure how much of their negative griping is reactionary, how much is to spite me, and how much is just typical teenage stuff. I’m hoping that none of it is “nature” as I seem to remember they were all three a little peppier and less doom and gloom when they were younger. My eldest daughter explains that she imagine she will be a very moderate mix of her two parents—her “head in the clouds” mother and her “doom and gloom” father. Of course, I’d rather they take on a bit more optimism and explore a little more of the sunny side of life.

But, for the time being, I get to hear a great deal about how things NEVER work out, and how ALL THE TEACHERS are against them, and other negative expectations. I’ve tried sharing my theories on positive energy, vibrating at high frequencies and just general rudimentary karma—but for the time being, none of the teenagers are jumping on board with my incessant optimism. But, what I wouldn’t give for a little morning cheer when everyone is stomping and grumping around!

I don’t think I’m asking for much—maybe just a little “It looks like it’s going to be a nice day today” as one of them steps across the threshold to go forth into the world of learning. Even a, “Dinner looks like it’s going to be tasty!” would be a relief and a delight. I haven’t given up hope, of course, I’m expecting them to cheer up any day now…

See Also: It’s Going to Take More Than an Alarm Clock