This week’s dinner discussions are based on lesson thirteen for the Senior Primary, Sunday School and Young Men’s and Young Women’s lessons. The Nursery and Junior Primary’s lessons are from the special Easter lesson at the back of the manual. You may need to make adjustments if your ward has already had Stake conference. Be sure to keep the lessons upbeat and positive.
If you have a child in Nursery or Junior Primary he learned about Easter and Christ’s sacrifice. The nursery children learned about His birth and life. The lesson did cover the crucifixion, but focused more on the Resurrection. The Junior Primary children learned more about the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. They discussed how Jesus loved the children. They also learned that because Jesus was crucified and resurrected, that we each will be resurrected and have the opportunity live with Him again.
If you have a child between the ages of eight and eleven she learned about Christ healing people. The children specifically learned about Christ healing the leper, healing the centurion’s servant, raising the widow’s son from the dead, healing Peter’s mother-in-law, and the nobleman’s son. The lesson also suggested that the children should learn to help others. The reading assignment for this week is Mark 1:40-45 and Luke 7:11-17.
If you have a child who is twelve or thirteen he learned more about John Taylor. The class learned about specific instances when John Taylor stood up to defend Joseph Smith and the gospel. The class members were encouraged to stand up for what they believe in and to live a righteous life.
For all members over the age of fourteen the lesson was based on Matthew 15:21-17:9. The lesson discussed Jesus healing a Gentile and then feeding 4,000. The lesson then talked about Peter being promised the keys of the kingdom. The last part of the lesson discussed Christ’s transfiguration. Next week’s reading assignment is Matthew 18 and Luke 10.
The Young Women learned about Patriarchal blessings. The Young Men’s lesson was on fasting. The Priesthood and Relief Society lessons were on “Personal Testimony” lesson seven from the Spencer W. Kimball manual. Next week’s lesson is lesson eight “Selfless Service.”
Related Articles:
Dinner Discussions 2007 Week 12
RS/EQ: Studying for a Testimony
Gospel Doctrine: The Signs of the Times
Primary Time: Sharing Time Theme “He Lives!”