Just because we are running our home businesses, doesn’t mean that we cease being individuals with a valid work history. In fact, there are probably large chunks of our work history that we draw on, and that influences the work we do in our home businesses. It can be helpful to periodically evaluate and take stock in that work history to see if we are utilizing our learned skills and continuing to build and develop solid, “marketable” skills.
Keeping an updated resume’ is still important—even if you plan to be running your home business forever and NEVER returning to the traditional work force. But, in addition to keeping your resume’ current, it helps to occasionally look back over past jobs and work experiences to see what sort of experiences, skills, and contacts you can access to help grow your own home business.
There may be former colleagues, vendors, supervisors, and coworkers that you haven’t even thought of as potential customers or clients in your business. You’d be surprised how “warm” former work relationships can be—even after several years have passed. Dig out those old rolodexes and see who you might have forgotten about from your past work history—it might provide some hot leads.
On a more “personal growth” level—taking stock of our work and business history can give us a better understanding of the “big picture.” Past challenges and/or successes may have a direct link or effect on some of our current challenges and struggles. We may be able to find creative solutions and ideas buried in our past and based on experiences we’ve already had in the work world. We can remind ourselves how far we’ve come, as well as of some of the key and shaping lessons that we’ve experienced on our road to running our own home business.
See Also: Succeeding in Home Business by Acting “As If” and Celebrating Achievements and Successes