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When Things Don’t Work

Alas, there are such things as malfunction, dysfunction and general “break-down.” Rather than just being one of the “temporary setbacks” that I wrote about the other day, sometimes—things just don’t work. Whether it’s equipment or systems, making the decision to either invest time, energy and money in repairs or to scratch things and start anew, is one of the realities of running one’s own business.

Often, you may not realize that something isn’t working well until it’s too late. For some systems, the gradual decline in functioning makes it less noticeable as you may just adjust and make accommodations. When it comes to machines and equipment, we are often willing to put up with a barely-functioning situation far longer than we should. Then, when we replace or upgrade, we see just how much our productivity was actually affected.

Evaluating whether or not there is cause for repair or replacement will be incredibly personal—especially if you are the only person in your home business. It is a good idea to get a couple professional opinions on major purchases. Beware of the urge to “go cheap” or get a deal from someone you know. Many businesses have gotten stuck with web sites, equipment and other systems that are inadequate simply because they were trying to take short-cuts and save money. Take the time to evaluate the entire cost in relation to what will actually work best for your business needs.

If you are plagued by systems that you’ve set up that are not working well, it may be hard for you to let them go. Again, getting a mentor or a “second opinion” from someone who can come in from the outside and look over your business operations can help you see where things are going awry and give you suggestions for ways to fix them. The trick is to detach yourself from the outcome so you can look at things objectively.

Staying focused on improving productivity will help you to maneuver through those times when things really aren’t working. Keep in mind that it is one of the inevitable realities of business and your business will likely be more efficient after you’ve made the necessary repairs or changes.