In a previous article, I discussed how serious bullying can be and how it can lead to more dangerous situations. I talked about how a school bully acts and some of the typical actions that a bully carries out. Now I would like to take some time to discuss why bullies act the way they do.
Many bullies are starved for attention. They believe that other children will like them if they have control. Putting others down makes them feel more important. They think that bulling will make them popular. However, bullies are actually only driving others away from themselves.
Other bullies come from angry homes. They see their family members shouting and hurting one another. They feel that this type of behavior if a normal way of life. They have not learned how to treat others kindly and fairly. Teachers and school counselors can help these types of bullies learn how to have and treat friends.
While most bullying is purposeful hurting and putting others down, some bullies do not realize how much they are hurting others. Bullies often do not understand or care about other people.
In most cases, bullies receive punishment. The punishment may come from the teacher or principal or from the other children. Most bullies end up with little or no friends. As time passes, their power diminishes and the other children grow and flourish and leave the bullies behind.
Some bullies realize that others do not like their behavior and they change. Others blame everyone but themselves for their actions and remain alone and miserable. School counselors, teachers, and other personal should strive to help bullies work through their anger and emotions. When the anger continues to build, dangerous situations can occur.
If your child is continuously making comments about one particular student being alone or singled out, talk with school personnel.
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