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What Do You Really Want for Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is May 13th. What do you really want? According to respondents of a survey by the Family Education Network, moms aren’t dreaming of fancy chocolates or breakfast in bed. What many women want for Mother’s Day are things like having their kids make their own bed and time to just “hang out”. Sweet perfume and diamonds are great but what else do moms want? Here’s a sampling of what some moms said:

*Time alone*

*Coupons for days off (when the responsibility of taking care of the kids falls to the husband)*

*Spending time with gal pals*

*A night off to attend a fun class like Bellydancing or Feng Shui*

*A professionally done family portrait*

To this list I will add my own wish– SLEEP. 24 hours of uninterrupted sleep. No one told me that being a mom would mean so many sleepless nights. When Tyler was a baby he quickly established a regular sleeping routine. I, however, spent a lot of time checking on him to make sure he was still breathing. Many nights I trudged from his room to mine to make sure he was okay. The fear of SIDS was overwhelming, especially because he refused to sleep on his back. I would turn him over and then 5 minutes later he would roll back over again. As he got older I still continued to check on him throughout the night. When he’s sick I don’t sleep; I keep watch over him all night long.

I also get less sleep because of my work. Many people think that working from home affords you hours and hours to not only work but run errands, do the laundry, grocery shopping, etc. There’s just so many hours in a day. I figure things will get better soon, that’s until he reaches the teenage years and starts going out with friends. At this point I see many more sleepless nights. I guess I will sleep when he’s 18!

See also:

Happy Mothers Day!

Gift Idea: Massage for Mother’s Day

Mom’s Day Memory Book