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Yard and Garden: Rabbit Control Tips

Do you feel like Mr. McGregor? Is Peter Cottontail tearing up your yard, garden, or flowerbeds? Despite the fact that bunny rabbits are cute and furry, they can become frustrating when they destroy your hard work. Here are some ideas for controlling rabbits without causing physical harm to them.

1. You can start by fencing areas and plants that you wish to protect. You will need chicken wire or the type of mesh you see in rabbit hutches. The openings must be very small. Be sure the fencing is snug to the ground. You may also want to reinforce the inside of the fence with timbers or rocks as rabbits do tend to dig beneath fences.

2. After fencing your protected items, you might want to plant something that is attractive to rabbits in another area. Allow them to eat these plants to lure them away from your favorites.

3. There are also rabbit repellents that you can purchase. Some contain the urine of predators such as coyotes or foxes. If you live in an area inhabited by these animals, be aware that the scent may attract more of them.

4. Another option also mimics predators by adding things like toy snakes to your garden to keep the rabbits away. You can also try hanging mobiles and other items that create movement in the air, which may cause rabbits to believe hawks, vultures, or owls are nearby.

5. Planting marigolds around the perimeter of your yard, garden, or flowerbeds may be helpful and it’s an attractive way to deal with the problem. Marigolds are available in bright, beautiful colors and mixtures. The bonus is that critters and many insects are irritated by their scent.

6. Planting hot peppers around the outside edges of your garden may also help deter rabbits.

*Combining several methods may be the most effective way to keep your yard and garden from being damaged by rabbits.