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Lying in the Grass

One of the true joys of this spring, thus far, has been lying on the fresh cut grass with my three year old daughter close by my side, looking up at clouds and giggling as we pretended to see puffy-white versions of goats, dolphins and mommy’s big pregnant belly floating past us, up high in the sky. I truly could stay there with her as a bright, inquisitive toddler for the rest of my life – hearing her vivid and hilarious imagination come through loud and clear as she manages to articulate the sheer, unadulterated bliss that we both feel being together, two peas in a pod.

It is a simple thing, looking at the clouds with your kids, but it is often the simple ideas that get lost in the fast-paced life of a modern family. We may forget that some of the best (and free or at least inexpensive) family entertainment is happening constantly around us in nature, and therefore available all the time and able to fit into even the busiest schedule.

Clouds are not the only fun to be had in the sky, far from it actually. Your family can try to spot planes, birds, geese, hot air balloons, squirrels in the trees or any number of different creatures. Also, this basic activity is not confined simply to the daytime. At night, look up and marvel at the stars and try to spot constellations, another planet or the moon. Listen to the sounds in the dark and try to identify the animals responsible for the nocturnal calls.

Slowing down, enjoying each other company, having a conversation and being outside in the fresh air – virtually unplugged from the modern world may be an unimaginable utopia for some families, but squeezing in some quickie nature time here and there is always a possibility when you get back to basics.

Nature Crafts

Fun Springtime Activities