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Self-defense Parties

Have you heard about the newest craze in teen parties? Self-defense or personal protection parties are fast becoming popular among the teen set, for those wishing to learn how to protect themselves against an aggressor. Geared mainly for females, participants are taught self-defense in the comfort of their own homes. Partygoers are taught how to kick, punch and use their voices as weapons.

The Girl Scouts are also helping young women learn about self-defense in a program called P.A.V.E. the Way (Project Anti-Violence Education). This nationwide program addresses violence and violence-prevention. It focuses on important issues including bullying, Internet safety and crime and gang prevention. The U.S. Department of Justice funds this anti-violence program.

How about a martial arts birthday party? Yep, this is another trend on the rise. Many martial arts studios are offering birthday party packages. Packages include demonstrations by staff and in some cases a basic lesson-depending on how much the parents want to spend.

If you are interested in hosting a self-defense party, you can inquire at your nearest martial arts studio or the YMCA/YWCA. Unfortunately, with the rise in violence among today’s youth and young adults, it is essential that our kids learn how to protect themselves against bullies and would-be rapists.

Here are a few safety tips you can pass along to your kids:

(1) Always carry yourself with an air of confidence.

(2) If you find yourself in an isolated place, move away from any person who you feel might be a threat to you (but don’t act afraid).

(3) Always know where you can go to feel safe and how you can get help if necessary.

(4) If you feel threatened, don’t feel embarrassed about making a scene if it will get others to come to your aid or scare the aggressor away.

(5) Know how to defend yourself- forcefully.

See also:


Self-defense Classes

Teaching Your Kids How To Protect Themselves