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What Can We Call Them Besides “Chores”?

I am not terribly fond of the word “chores”–it seems to carry with it generations of unsavory connections and just generally sounds un-fun. Maybe, as a family, we can come up with another word for “chores” that will not only sound better, but make it so that family members are more interested and excited to help out around the house?

How about something like “helps” or “contributions”? Those both sound pretty positive. Actually we add that word to contributions and come up with “positive contributions”–that sounds very chipper and perky indeed. How could a child argue with “Have you made your positive contribution to the family today?”

“Task” is not such a bad word–it still carries some of the “have to” with it, but it does not sound quite the drudge activity that “chore” does. Maybe “activity” would be a good substitute word or even “helpful activity” or “beneficial offering” (I really like that last one it sounds very mystic and spiritual, I imagine a child could feel mighty big and important, indeed, if she was committing a beneficial offering to the family unit in the form of washing dishes or taking out the trash.)

I am really wondering if any other family out there has run across problems with the word “chores” and come up with a great substitute word or term. Families can be so creative in coming up with their own languages and colloquialisms–it seems like someone out there must have an idea for what we could call chores to actually make them seem like fabulous things for family members to do! Even the hardest and most mundane work can be tolerable if we make it fun and different, so why not start by changing the name and having a little fun with the re-naming of the ordinary household chore?

See Also: Children Can Do Chores

Marriage Tips: How to Share Household Chores