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Encore: Q&A of a Working MT, Part Two

For Part One, check this out.

Again, here’s Sheila, a working medical transcriptionist:

What is the best part of being an MT?

The best part about this career for me is that it is interesting and suits my personality. I am very detailed oriented by nature and this job requires that. I also like a job where I can see my productivity at the end of the day so it feels like I accomplished something. I feel like I finally have a career instead of just a job too.

And conversely, what is the worst part of being an MT?

The only bad part about this job is on occasion I have mental fatigue if it was a day with a lot of bad dictators or poor audio. That can become very tiring.

Have you worked for more than one MT company? What made you change companies?

I have worked for two. I left the first company due to their lack of communication and their wanting me to stick to a rigid schedule. It was my first job out of school and I did not feel I had any support from them. I feel they put me on an account that no “newbie” should be on and then have too high of expectations. The second company has been pretty good to me. I have been with them over a year and enjoy my job.

How are your lines counted?

I get paid by the line which is 65 characters including spaces and they count any keystroke that you create. I do not get paid for the patient information I input though.

Are you an employee or IC, and why? If you’re an employee, do they offer you any benefits at all?

I am an IC (see my answer here for more info.) I could be an employee and get health and dental and vacation benefits. It does not suit me right now though.

Do you use an expander? Why or why not? If you do, did it come along with the program that the company has you use (if there is such a program) or did you buy it on your own?

I do use an expander and life in the MT world would be extremely hard if not impossible without it. I do have an expander that was purchased but I also have one that is on the platform that I use. I use the purchased one more. I don’t think you will find an MT that does not use an expander.

Make sure to check out The Day in the Life of an MT next!

This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs.