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Homeschooling Week in Review May 19, – May 25, 2007.

This past week on the families.com homeschooling blog, topics included religion, teaching creation, physical education, and sending homeschoolers to summer camp. Here is the homeschooling week in review for May 19, – May 25, 2007.

May 19, 2007

In Should I Send my Homeschooler to Summer Camp, Perhaps No, and Should I Send my Homeschooler to Summer Camp, Possibly yes, I discuss the pros and cons of sending a homeschooler to camp.

May 20, 2007

Homeschooling Week in Review May 12, 2007 – May 18, 2007 touches on several interesting topics beginning with some of the reasons I am glad I homeschool.

May 21, 2007

Teaching “Today in History” Lessons gives several sources for current events you can use to teach your homeschooler.

Vocabulary Word of the Day: Body Clock discusses working around the body clock of the student by allowing them to get enough rest, and teaching when they are most alert.

May 22, 2007

I addressed the question, Why Do Homeschoolers Hate Public Schoolers? which of course, they do not.
I also addressed the question What About P.E. Requirements? and how to meet them, if requirements even exist.

May 23, 2007

I continued the conversation on P.E. requirements with Meeting P.E. Requirements for the Homeschool Portfolio and More Ideas for Homeschool P.E.

The article, Homeschooler Wins the National Geography Bee… again not only lists names of past homeschooled Geography Bee winners, but also gives encouragement to parents that homeschooling is definitely worth it.

May 24, 2007

I answered a question posed in the homeschool forums entitled How do I Maximize Learning During Travel in this post, I give come creative ways to help young homeschoolers get the most out of homeschooling on the road.

In Meeting Health Ed Requirements I filled in the holes that I left out when I talked about P.E. requirements.

May 25, 2007

In Celebrating Accomplishments I talk about remembering milestones and celebrating accomplishments when educating homeschoolers.

In On Homeschooling and Religion, Part 1 and On Homeschooling and Religion, Part 2 I discuss the fact that homeschoolers are not necessarily “religious fanatics”, and also that as a Christian homeschooler, I feel it is my responsibility to make sure my children are learn subjects that are considered anti Christian as well as those that are Christian approved.

*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.

*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start with the 2006 homeschool blog in review!

* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?