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Reasons I am Glad I Homeschool: Distractions

What happens when you bring two homeschoolers together? They socialize!

Today I painted a mural at the house of another homeschooler. I brought my daughter with me. While my daughter is in “summer mode”, the child whose house we were at was still homeschooling in full swing. We should have known better. My daughter had no intention of reading the books I had her bring along. The other child had no intention of doing her work, as my child’s presence was a huge distraction. She eventually got through her lessons; and then the girls had a swimmingly good day. (Yes, they went swimming. Pardon the pun).

So I definitely I have sympathy for Public School teachers is because I know how hard it is to keep a child focused on his or her work with their friend is in the next seat, row, or even in the same room. Can you imagine doing that with up to 30 kids, with an infinite number of friend pairs and groups? Just the thought exhausts me.

Both the other mom and I agreed that our children learned a lot more at home without the distractions. Both girls have had problems in school socially, and behaviorally, but once removed from the school environment with the distractions removed, my child has excelled beyond anything I fathomed, and her daughter (a new homeschooler) is showing progress.

Being that there is a time to learn and a time to play, we ensure that the girls do get to spend time together and in various activities when they will not get in trouble for talking out of turn and being themselves.

Today was an exception to our rule and we had a difficult task on our hands. It really gave me a great appreciation for teachers. It also reminded me that my daughter is better off homeschooling.

*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.

*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start with the 2006 homeschool blog in review!

* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?