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Paris Hilton Sent Back to Jail

Just when you thought Paris Hilton was getting off easy because of her celebrity status, it appears that that is not the case. Paris was ordered to return to jail to serve out her entire 45-day sentence there, not at her home, earlier today. Screaming and crying, Paris was told she could not serve out her time at home with the electronic monitoring ankle bracelet like she thought. She cried out “It’s not right” and “Mom” before mouthing “I love you” to her parents who attended the hearing. The media reported that her body shook as she sat through the hearing.

What turned the case around? Apparently, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer felt justice was not being served and was tired of the media circus surrounding the Paris case. He stated that he in no way condoned nor approved of the actions Sheriff Lee Baca had taken in releasing Paris after serving just three days in jail. Hilton’s attorney, Steve Levine, told Judge Sauer that the sheriff released Paris because he determined that, due to her medical condition (which I am thinking must be that she does not have a brain), jail was a dangerous place for her. It seems that an undersheriff had contacted Judge Sauer earlier in the week, saying he had papers stating Hilton’s medical condition and would like the judge to review them, but the papers never arrived.

The Assistant City Attorney Dan F. Jeffries said Paris should return to jail, that her release after only three days served “erodes confidence in the judicial system.” The California Attorney General Jerry Brown has been quoted as saying that he too believes Paris should serve her time and that “It does hold up the system to ridicule when the powerful and the famous get special treatment.” Thank goodness there are at least a couple of people on this case who remember what justice really is all about!

So, it appears that Paris is headed back to the slammer. But, whether she will serve her time like a big girl still remains to be seen.

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About Libby Pelham

I have always loved to write and Families.com gives me the opportunity to share my passion for writing with others. I work full-time as a web developer at UTHSC and most of my other time is spent with my son (born 2004). I love everything pop culture, but also enjoy writing about green living (it has opened my eyes to many things!) and health (got to worry about that as you get older!).