Have you ever noticed that fathers generally tend to be the more rambunctious parent? I’m not sure if it’s because moms are with their kids more, or moms are just always trying to get their kids to sleep (me, I start anticipating bedtime around 11 in the morning!). It seems like all that my husband has to do to get my three oldest to bounce off the walls is to walk in the door. The newborn isn’t jumping around yet, but I have full confidence in my husband’s many talents; by the time she’s six months, I’m sure she’ll act as though she has been dosed with sugar the instant she sees him.
So with that in mind, here are ten of the top ways that Latter-day Saint children show their fathers that they love him. Somehow, these seem to take a little more exuberance than telling mom they love her!
1. When he walks in the door, they hang from his neck, singing “I’m So Glad When Daddy Comes Home” at the top of their lungs.
2. They dump a cup of water over his head to make sure that he is baptized. After all, you have to be baptized to be a family forever!
3. During family scripture study, they insist on holding his scriptures – and they’ll put up a fight if someone else wants to.
4. When he says “Bedtime,” they instantly start jumping on the bed, because of course that’s what he means.
5. When they play ‘House,’ the fight over who gets to be the daddy and give the blessings.
6. They always want to go home teaching with him.
7. When it’s time for family prayers, the youngest realize that the best position is climb on daddy’s back as soon as he kneels down.
8. During Sacrament meeting, they are anxious to sit beside him so they can give tickles during the talks. (Mommy would NEVER do that!)
9. When he gives a talk, they think they are supposed to sit immediately in front of the podium so they can give him their full attention.
10. They’ve changed the “Future Missionary” tags from the church bookstore to include the words “Just Like Daddy.”
As I read over this list, I guess I’m glad I’m the mommy! My kids take enough of my strength already. I suppose that only a daddy could handle being loved to exhaustion!
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