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A Question A Week: Are High Gas Prices Affecting Your Work Life?

I just finished reading an article on CNN saying that there’s a bigger drive (pun intended :-P) now more than ever from employees to be able to work from home, or at least telecommute part of the week. I’ll confess right now: I work from home, so I don’t use much gas, and my husband works at an office only a mile or so from our home, so he doesn’t use much gas in his “commute” either (I say “commute” because really, a mile shouldn’t qualify as a commute.) So on this subject, I am going to rely entirely upon you, my readers, to tell me what it’s like to deal with this.

From what I have been hearing in the new, though, gas prices have officially hit the highest price ever recorded (even when you adjust for inflation,) which means the cost of commuting is high and seeming to get higher every day.

So my question this week for my readers is: If you work from home, did gas prices and/or the commute factor into your decision at all? Even if it wasn’t the main reason you decided to work from home, did it register on the Richter Scale? And my second question is for those of you who do not work from home: Are you trying to convince your boss to allow you to telecommute at least part of the time because of these gas prices? And the last question is for anyone who is currently looking for another job: Did you leave your last job (or are you trying to leave that job) because of high gas prices and the commute that you have to take to get there, and/or is the criteria for your new job at all based on how long the commute is to get there?

Those are just the questions that are running through my head as I read these stories about high gas prices, and who better to tell me the answers than you, my wonderful readers? (Flattery works, right? Then how about “wonderful, amazing readers.” Now you’ll respond in the comment section? How wonderful.)

All of this jabbering about gas prices and commutes has got me thinking about how you, the reader, can save money on gas when it comes to commuting, so make sure to check out my next blog, “How to Save Money on Your Commute to Work.” Don’t miss it!

Don’t forget–you can respond two ways: Writing a comment below, or by dropping me a line at Hava L (at) Families dot com if you prefer to keep your input anonymous. Thanks!