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Admitting to Emotions in Business

You have probably heard people say things like: “It’s just business,” or “This is not personal, it is business.” Is it really true that business and emotions DON’T mix?

I know that some of my favorite bosses and most effective coworkers and mentors have actually been people who brought their emotions and feelings into work. I’m not talking about people who throw temper tantrums and act moody in the workplace, but passionate, thoughtful, caring, emotional people. I think that a strong case can be made for the importance of having a healthy attachment to one’s emotions and bringing them into work decisions and problem-solving.

The trick with bringing emotions and admitting to them in the work world is to do so in a mature, healthy way. This means owning your emotions and not blaming, accusing, or spewing your emotional baggage all over everyone around you–this goes for the customers and clients in your home business too. Using words like “I feel” is fine, but using words that blame others for making you feel a certain way is unfair and just the type of emotional immaturity that gives emotions in the work world a bad name.

Showing excitement, concern, passion, affection (within reason) and even frustration is perfectly fine in business–it’s all in HOW you are expressing yourself. A mature person who is both professional and in touch with his or her emotions can actually instill confidence and appear more trustworthy and likeable to others. But, you’ve got to make sure you are managing your emotions and not acting out in an emotional and uncontrolled way. Watch out for anything that appears to be out of control–angry fits, unbridled affection, giggling outbursts. The point is to be able to convey that you are in touch with your emotions, not over-run or overwhelmed by them.

See Also: Dealing With Children’s Emotions

When You Get Emotionally Attached in Your Home Business