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The Gentle Leader

Is your dog a puller? You may want to try the Gentle Leader. This head-collar is not a muzzle — the dog is able to eat, drink, pant, play, bark, and even bite when the Gentle Leader is on.

The Gentle Leader has two straps — one loops loosely around the muzzle and one loops around the neck. The nose loop helps mimic pack behavior — an alpha will grab a subordinate’s muzzle in his mouth to demonstrate dominance. The nose loop lets your dog know that you are his superior. The neck strap puts pressure at the back of the neck, rather than on the windpipe — similar to how a mother dog will grab a puppy at the back of the neck. Your dog won’t choke but he will pay attention.

What the Gentle Leader does is give you control of your dog’s head, rather than his throat (with a regular collar). Instead of pulling back against your dog when you want him to walk a certain way, you are pulling under his chin to direct his head. Training and walking with the Gentle Leader can help cut back on the pulling, jerking, and lunging that make walks unpleasant.

What else can you do with the Gentle Leader?

  • Teach your dog to sit. Simply raise your dog’s muzzle and his rear end will go down.
  • Reduce jumping. Downward pressure on the lead will keep his head (and body) down.
  • Reduce barking. A pull of the leash will close your dog’s mouth.
  • Train your dog out of begging.
  • Manage other behavior problems. Fearful and anxious dogs will feel more confident with the nose and neck pressure of the Gentle Leader.

You can start training a dog with the Gentle Leader as early as eight weeks of age. He can wear the head-collar up to eighteen hours per day, but not constantly. A hot spot can develop if the Gentle Leader is left on for days — it may develop on the front of the neck. Improper fitting can also cause abrasions — if the nose loop is too loose, it can rub sores into the muzzle.

The Gentle Leader was developed by a veterinarian and an obedience instructor (who also served as an AKC judge). They wanted a product that would give families a fast and effective method for behavior management — from the youngest to the oldest, across the board.