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General Conference: “Remember and Perish Not”

In his talk “Remember and Perish Not” Elder Marlin K Jensen opens his talk by sharing how he felt the first time that he spoke at General Conference. He goes on to speak of how much he likes to share his memories with those around him, though as a youth he said he would not do this. Elder Jensen then begins to speak about the importance of remembering. Elder Jensen says:

“If we pay close attention to the uses of the word remember in the holy scriptures, we will recognize that remembering in the way God intends is a fundamental and saving principle of the gospel. This is so because prophetic admonitions to remember are frequently calls to action: to listen, to see, to do, to obey, to repent. When we remember in God’s way, we overcome our human tendency simply to gird for the battle of life and actually engage in the battle itself, doing all in our power to resist temptation and avoid sinning.”

Elder Jensen then mentions King Benjamin and all that he taught his people. King Benjamin’s last words were to “remember and perish not.” Elder Jensen goes on to ask us the other things that we should remember, in addition to the scriptures. He emphasizes the importance of remembering the history of the church.

Elder Jensen goes on to speak specifically about the first vision of Joseph Smith and the powerful effect it has had on history. He then speaks of the importance that President Hinckley places on remembering. He points out that President Hinckley shares both pioneer stories, as well as stories from his own personal life. These stories cab comfort those that are struggling.

This is a wonderful talk. It is important to remember why the gospel is so important. It is also important to remember to keep the commandments, and the reasons that we should keep the commandments. It is often easy to become so wrapped up in the little details, that we forget the reasons why we are doing things. The gospel really helps to bring focus and purpose to life. As we study the scriptures and church history, we can make sure to remember the things that we should so that we can return to Heavenly Father. In addition to remembering we need to do the things that we remember. I hope that you will take the time to read this talk.

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