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The Widow’s Might – Ann Bennion Brown

The Widow’s Might” by Ann Bennion Brown is a compilation book for women who have lost their spouses. The title comes from the parable of the widow’s mite, reminding us of the poor woman who came in to pay her tithing and only donated two of the smallest pieces of money in existence at that time. She was ridiculed by the rich, who had donated quite a bit, but Christ said that her donation was worth more, because she had given all she possessed for the building up of the kingdom.

With spelling the title “might” rather than “mite,” this book takes on alternate meanings, indicating all that a widow might accomplish or what she has the might to do. Losing a beloved spouse is, of course, a shock, a sorrow, and an overwhelming challenge, but it does not mean the end for the widow as well. There are ways to press on.

We then read personal accounts from sixteen widows, telling in their own words how their husbands died, the things they experienced, and the ways they found to cope. Many of them bear their testimonies of life after death and their sure knowledge that they will see their husbands again. Some were married for decades, some for less than two years. Some died suddenly, some lingeringly. There is a story in here that will speak to any situation.

I did wish that a few brief passages had been lengthened. For instance, the author mentions that there are scam artists to like to prey on new widows, and I would have liked more information on that. Overall, however, I found the book to be very comforting. Any woman who has lost a spouse will find motivation and inspiration in this book, and perhaps most importantly, the knowledge that they are not alone.

(This book was published in 2007 by Horizon Publishers.)

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