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What Excites You About Your Home Business?

Want to stay motivated? Then, it helps to tap into the elements of your home business that get you excited, turned on, and really get your creative juices flowing! Instead of getting up every morning and focusing on your to-do list and what HAS to be done, remind yourself what it is that really gets you excited and you’ll infuse your home business with positive energy.

Are you feeling so bogged down by “have-to-dos” that you cannot figure out what gets you excited? It might help to go back to some of your notes or take an afternoon to try to remind yourself how you felt when you were first getting started. Try making a list of what you love and like about your home business. Spending a morning sitting in a coffee shop or park and jotting down the things that make you feel energized, the challenges that have given you pride and stretched you to new heights, and/or remembering the things that have turned you on in your business can be time well spent. Who needs a retreat when you can readjust your attitude just by digging into what gets you excited in your work?

So, what gets you excited? Is it working on your own or being in charge of your own income and work destiny? Is it getting to travel or meet new and interesting people? Is it developing new services or contracts? Or, maybe you like marketing and making the big sell? Whatever it is (and chances are, there are several things that you can get excited about when it comes to your home business), get in touch with those things and hang on to them! Feeling good about the work we do is important and if we can get excited about our businesses, it gives us reason to get up in the morning and infuses our work with plenty of positive energy. You just can’t beat that for motivation!

See Also: Wrestling With Self-Discipline

Give Yourself a Promotion

Maintaining a Positive Outlook and Attitude