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If I Work at Home, Why am I Still Eating at My Desk?

It occurred to me that I still have some pretty entrenched work habits from my “traditional job” days—and while I have all of this flexibility and freedom that goes along with having my own business at home, I’m still eating breakfast and lunch at my desk, hunched over work. What in the world is up with that?

I could eat in the kitchen, or at the dining room table; I could even eat my meal or snacks out on the patio in the morning sun. But, no, I’ve got my bowl of cereal or leftovers from last night’s supper heated up in the microwave and I’ve settled back into my desk chair to try to work and eat at the same time. These definitely have to be habits leftover from my work outside the home days!

And, it isn’t like I do not understand that I should not be eating over important papers (or even not-so-important papers) and I definitely should not be drinking this hot coffee or the afternoon’s lemonade over my computer keyboard (after all, I purchased this computer for my business so I know it is an expense and an investment!). I know better. Logic does seep into my overworked brain now and again and I ask myself why I don’t eat at the table or take myself out for a nice lunch. I could even bring along work if I needed to and make it a business lunch.

So, if I really do have all of this freedom; all of this flexibility to do exactly what I want and be my own boss and the keeper of my own time—than why can’t I shake this old workhorse habit of eating leftovers at my desk with work spread and scattered in front of me? Really—what IS up with that?

See Also: Are You Doing Too Much Whining?

One of the Best Things About A Home Business–No One Has To Understand Your System