What do you want people to know about you and your work? A resume’ or C.V. might not be enough, or it might not be suitable and appropriate all of the time. It might be work your while to take some time to write up a “bio” or biographical paragraph or two about yourself and your business that can be used in publicity, press releases, publications and other promotional materials.
Why would you even need a “bio”? Well, a bio lets people (clients, customers, prospective customers, media, etc.) know who you are, your background, your philosophies, etc. It helps you to paint a personal and professional picture of who YOU are to go with the branding of your company.
A “bio” can be simple and brief—a paragraph sharing your educational and employment background, any relevant experience you may have, and goals you have for the business. It can also include personal information like whether or not you are married or partnered, your family details, etc. If you are a writer, you will want to include any publications or books that you have written or places that you write for. This gives people both a professional and a personal snapshot of who you are.
Your “bio” can be included with proposals and presentations you make, as well as go on your web site or in your marketing materials. If you are wondering what a “bio” might look like—consider doing a little research. You can explore book jackets, and other company web sites, as well as magazines and other publications to see what sort of “bios” other people have come up with. Keep in mind that you can change your “bio” whenever you want—keeping it updating and adjusted to reflect changes in your life, family, and with your home-based business.
See Also: Open Your Mouth Marketing
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Getting Started With Marketing