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Changes: Finances

As most single parent can attest to, finances needed a huge change when you become a single parent. I was definitely no different. Going from being single and only having to think about and worry about only myself to having a child that depended on me was a huge shock to my finances. I went from only worrying about paying bills and money for entertainment, to having to worry about bills, extremely expensive formula due to allergies, diapers, clothes, medicine, etc., etc.

One thing that did help was the fact that I did save up some money for when I was going to take my maternity leave, but due to him having to not only be on formula, but very expensive formula, it wasn’t enough. As I said in Changes: My Music, my entertainment expenses were no longer needed, which was a plus. I still had a hard time making ends meet, and still do sometimes, though those times are growing fewer and farther between.

As I’ve said many times before, my son comes first. If he needed something, and I needed something, my needs always have and always will be the ones to be put on hold. So for the first couple years I went without a few things, but I didn’t really miss them. I remember thinking, I can’t get that because Jonathan needs this, but today, I honestly could not tell you what those things were.

I also had to start saving where I could on the things that I did purchase. Clothes were quite often bought off clearance racks no matter how often they needed to be purchased because he did and still does grow so fast. Diapers were the cheapest ones I could possibly get. Food was bought as much as possible of the things that were on sale, and making what I could with what I had. Garage/Rummage sales were/are also a treasure hunt to get inexpensive clothes, toys, books, household items and much more.

Though I’m glad that the ends seem to be slowly coming together, I’m also glad I went through having to do that. Going through that has helped me to know that if for some reason I have to go through it again, I can do it.