I am in the market for a new camera. Why? Just because I love photography so much that I want a digital SLR really, really bad. The extension of lenses and filters and so many new creative techniques to be had in digital photography has left me desperately dreaming of a brand new camera.
I do have a digital camera already, in fact I have three, but they are all automatic and although each is unique and one has some bells and whistles I love, I really would love the opportunity to add a few lenses and filters to my camera, and not have to use film to do it. I have a wonderful film camera which I use often enough, but I really love the ease of being able to delete the bad prints and only get what I truly want.
The film cameras I have are the Nikon N75 and an older Pentax ZX5 with loads of lenses and filters to go along with them. My favorite lens by far, because of its ease of use and its range is my af100mm-300mm lens. Works with both camera’s which was a very easy selling point back then.
The digital cameras I have are the Kodak EasyShare Z710, the Olympus D-580 and the Olympus SP-310. All great camera’s honestly.
I just want the ability to play around with some lenses and filters and not be limited to using film.
What exactly do I want? I’ve had my heart set on a Canon Rebel for a long time. The new Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi is exactly what I want.
So I am curious, what camera do you have? What is your dream camera? What features do you have to have on your camera? Do you have a better suggestion than the Canon Rebel? I’d love to know more about your camera and what you love about it.