Has there ever been a time when you have really struggled to get along with someone? This can be a difficult situation to deal with, especially if this person is a family member or in-law. It can be difficult if you are friends with the same people or if you are thrown together a lot. It is important that we work to overcome these feelings of dislike and negativity.
I think that the most important thing we can do is to pray that our feelings towards this person change. We can ask to begin to see this person the way that Heavenly Father sees him. As we sincerely do this, our hearts may be softened and we may begin to see the person through a different light. We may be able to forgive this person of past offenses and be able to move forward from the negative situation.
As I write this, I am aware that there are situations and relationships that are just too toxic to deal with. You do not necessarily need to stay in contact with people that have abused your or caused other great harm in your life. You can find tactful ways to limit contact or to stop it all together. However, I still think it is important to be able to forgive them of the wrongs that they have done you, no matter how grave they may be. This is not an easy task, and must be done with serious and sincere prayer. As you pray that you may see this person the way Heavenly Father does, your heart will changed for the better. I believe that forgiveness allows you to truly be healed from past wrongs.
Similarly it is important to treat all people with love and respect in our daily interactions. As we seek to see the best in people, we are better able to help them in times of need. As we strive to do what Heavenly Father would have us do as we serve others, we will be able to change the way we feel towards others.
Related Articles:
The Atonement and Forgiveness in Marriage
General Conference: “And Nothing Shall Offend”