I like working out at home. Gyms are okay, but frankly I like the freedom that working out at home gives me. But before you go out and invest in exercise equipment (which frankly, can be pretty pricey) it’s important to judge whether or not the investment is good for you. But how do you judge the investment for yourself?
First, make sure the equipment will help you with your fitness goals. Don’t invest in some over-priced gimmick. Exercise is neither effortless nor easy and there is no such thing as a spot reducing piece of equipment. If you’ve got real questions about the validity of some equipment, check out the Federal Trade Commission’s advice at www.ftc.gov.
If you find the equipment is valid and good for your program, decide whether you really will use it. If you really like the idea of a piece of equipment, but you’ve never really used it – try working out on one at a health club or fitness center. Get a real feel for it. No one needs another expensive dust magnet.
Make sure the equipment is easy to use. You will be more likely to use it if you can use it easily enough. Price shopping the equipment is not a bad idea either, you can find good deals and it never hurts to make sure you get the best value for your money, but never trim quality for value.
Finally, make sure you have the room for the equipment in your house and that you can afford it. A healthy investment in yourself should not break the bank or leave you squeezing your way around the equipment. The better fit it makes into your home, the more likely you will be to use it.