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Computing Review: July 21st Through July 27th

If you have an Apple iPhone, did you know that your privacy may be at risk? That is one of the many things we found out last week and shared in the Computing Blog. And, do you remember your first computer? Heather Long does and she shares some poignant moments with us–a must read.

In case you missed anything, here is the computing review for July 21st Through July 27th.

July 23rd

Apple iPhones Can Be Hacked

This morning, The New York Times broke the story that the Apple iPhone is vulnerable to being attacked by hackers. Apparently, there is a flaw in the device that gives hackers the opportunity to take over control of an iPhone.

July 24th

Computer Dictionary: F

It’s time to learn some more technical words and phrases. Have you been keeping up on the Computer dictionary here at the Computing Blog? We are up to F this time, and there are some interesting words and phrases to cover.

July 25th

Me & My Computer

Recently, Mary Ann asked me for some thoughts on computers and I have to admit, I had to think about. My computer is a fundamental tool in my everyday life. I use it for school. I use it for work. I use it for leisure time entertainment. I use it for my news. I use it for communicating both personally and professionally. If you were to give me the option of taking away my television or my computer, it’s the computer that I would choose, every single time

Wednesday Widgets: Wikipedia

Do you Wiki? Wikipedia has got to be one of the most popular spots on the Internet these days. It has been called the most complete encyclopedia and the free encyclopedia. In case you are unfamiliar with Wikipedia, it is completely user directed. That is, all of the content is created and edited by people like you.

July 26th

San Francisco’s Blackout Affects Internet Users Across the Country

When San Francisco suffered an eleven hour blackout on Tuesday, the people in the city weren’t the only ones affected. All across the country, people who rely on certain websites to do business or have fun were left in the dark. That is, besides people, the city also contained data centers with servers and computer equipment for websites such as Craigslist, LiveJournal and Technorati.

July 27th

New iPods Coming in August?

Rumor has it that the next generation of Apple iPods, the sixth, will be hitting Apple stores as soon as the beginning of August.

Many people are speculating about what new features will be available on the new iPods. For example, will they feature a touch screen interface? New operating system? New colors?

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com