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Parents–Try Something New for a Change in Perspective

Recently, my kids did a group intervention–according to them I have been in a purchasing rut–my grocery shopping and purchasing of items and supplies for our home has becomes so routinized and predictable that they felt they needed to encourage me to shake things up a little bit…

They really do have a point–as a busy, stretched, single parent, I’ve found that familiarity is my friend. I do buy the same groceries–a lot of basics and staples–and forgo the extras. I am not the slightest bit trendy in my purchasing of shampoo or other necessities. I am also not likely to buy something “just because” it struck my fancy. I am the queen of make do and if it isn’t broke, don’t mess with it. I’m not ashamed of my frugality, but they do have something when they say that a change in perspective might do us some good.

So, what would happen if instead of eating dinner at 6 pm every night, you moved dinner time to 8:30 for the summer months? Imagine the way the entire day could shift and change just my making that one little adjustment. You could have longer to work or play, and you could enjoy dinner on the patio just as the sun is sinking behind the trees to the west.

Do you always drive the same route to school or work? What if you shake that up and try a new way? What might happen then? You might see a whole different part of town or drive by a house with a “for sale” sign that turns out to be your dream house, or stumble across that box of free puppies that introduces you to your newest family member. You just never know what might happen if you shake things up and try something new–a whole new world may open up…

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